Vaginal Microbiome Test

Unlock the Secrets of Your Vaginal Health with the Vaginal Microbiome Test

Discover how the unique balance of bacteria in your vaginal microbiome can impact your reproductive health, immunity, and overall well-being. The Vaginal Microbiome Test analyzes your microbiome's composition, helping you understand imbalances that may contribute to symptoms such as recurring infections, irritations, or general discomfort.

Common Symptoms of Imbalance:

Frequent yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, itching, abnormal discharge, urinary tract infections, and general discomfort can indicate an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome. This test offers valuable insights into the root causes of these symptoms.

What This Test Reveals:

Comprehensive Microbiome Analysis – Identifies and quantifies key beneficial and harmful bacteria in your vaginal microbiome.
Detection of Pathogenic Overgrowth – Pinpoints overgrowth of harmful bacteria, fungi (like Candida), or pathogens that may be contributing to discomfort or infections.
Impact on Reproductive and Immune Health – Understand how an imbalanced microbiome can affect fertility, immune function, and overall vaginal health.
Personalized Restoration Plan – Provides tailored recommendations on diet, probiotics, and lifestyle adjustments to restore balance and promote optimal vaginal health.

Why It Matters:

🔹 Prevent Recurring Infections – Identifying and addressing imbalances can help prevent chronic infections and discomfort.
🔹 Support Fertility and Reproductive Health – A healthy vaginal microbiome is crucial for fertility and overall reproductive health.
🔹 Enhance Immunity – A balanced vaginal microbiome supports your immune system, reducing susceptibility to infections.


This test identifies the types of microorganisms in the vaginal microbiome. The vagina is home to a complex ecosystem of organisms that may include bacteria, viruses, parasites and yeasts. Some of these organisms are important in keeping us healthy as they act to discourage other potential pathogens from thriving. Disruptions in balance of any of these can lead to infections and/or uncomfortable symptoms.


Every vaginal microbiome is different and factors such as age, hormonal disruptions and even antibiotic/probiotic use can contribute to changes. This comprehensive test is perfect for those with chronic yeast infections, UTIs, unusual discharge, and any unexplained vulvo-vaginal pain, itching or discomfort. It provides insight as to what is causing the imbalance or condition, and enables a targeted approach.

The vaginal microbiome test is recommended for those with any of the following:

  • Recurrent yeast infections & thrush

  • Vaginal infections like vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), trichomoniasis (TV), bacterial vaginosis (BV)

  • Vulval skin disorders (Lichen planus and Lichen sclerosis)

  • Urinary health disorders (Recurrent UTIs & bladder infections)


The sample consists of a single vaginal swab, and is completed at home.

  1. Book your session & receive a link to pay for the test

  2. Test kit is shipped once payment is received

  3. Receive your kit and follow personalized instructions

  4. Complete your test at home, and mail back to the lab using a pre-paid shipping label

  5. Results will be shared with you via the health portal in 3 -4 weeks


  • New Zealand NZD310

  • United States USD360

  • United Kingdom £330

  • Canada, Europe & Asia £330

  • If your country/region is not on this list, please book a discovery call with Camille for prices and shipping options.

*Test prices are approximate and do not include consultation fee


Bacteroides barnesiae, Staphylococcus spp., Bacteroides cellulosilyticus, Bacteroides fragilis, E. coli, Bifidobacterium saeculare, Megasphaera spp., Candida spp., Bacteroides dorei, Bifidobacterium pullorum, Mobiluncus spp., Bifidobacterium gallinarum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Prevotella bivia, Bacteroides salanitronis, Bacteroides salyersiae, Bacteroides uniformis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella disiens, Prevotella corporis, Finegoldia magna, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus anginosus, Gardnerella vaginalis, Ureaplasma spp., Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bacteroides vulgatus, Enterococcus faecalis, Eubacterium rectale, Bacteroides_sp_D20, Lactobacillus spp.


  • Book a free discovery call with Camille to make sure this test is right for you and discuss consultation options (recommended!)

  • Book the Whole Health Kete 3-month package. During this time we will discuss and order the appropriate test for you. Results interpretation and review is included in the consult price.

  • Book a Functional Test Review Consultation. Once booked, your test kit will be sent to you. Once your results are available, the 40-minute session includes an explanation of your lab results and how they affect your health. Camille will advise which nutrition, supplement and lifestyle changes will best optimize your health. You will also receive a personalized road map to refer to as you implement changes and improve your health.

    *NOTE Test prices are NOT included in the consultation fees.

Camille Hoffman

Hello! I’m Camille, a naturopath and nutritionist that helps people feel great and get their lives back by treating the root cause of chronic conditions.

Wherever you are in the world, I can help via online consultations.

You can book a free mini onboarding calll or full session HERE

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