Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits behind and below the Adam’s apple. A wide range of factors from hormone imbalances to mineral deficiencies and environmental pollutants can interfere with thyroid production, leading to health problems. Thyroid imbalance can be identified by measuring levels of key thyroid hormones TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, anti-TG antibodies, and anti-TPO antibodies.
DUTCH Women’s Hormone Test
The DUTCH test is an advanced hormone test that digs deep into over 40 markers to uncover the whole picture of hormonal health, and provides valuable insights into the cause of imbalances and the best treatment going forward. Here is a snapshot of some of the most useful markers:
DUTCH Men’s Hormone Test
The DUTCH test is an advanced hormone test that digs deep into over 40 markers to uncover the whole picture of hormonal health, and provides valuable insights into the cause of imbalances and the best treatment going forward. Here is a snapshot of some of the most useful markers…