Zephyr’s Breakfast

This recipe goes WAAAY back, back before I ran the Morning Glory Bakery - back all the way to when it was a restaurant - serving heavenly breakfasts named after family and friends. I’ve done my best to reproduce a well-loved favorite, leaning heavily on the Mexican flavors that I LOVE. This hearty breakfast is not only loaded with Mexican flavors and plenty of protein (check and check), it also provides that indescribable combination of comfort food and fresh zing. Oh, and did I mention protein?

Alright, yes, I definitely mentioned protein, but it’s worth mentioning twice! Not eating enough protein is really common.

The average, healthy adult should be getting about .31-.36 grams of protein for each pound body weight.

The daily protein goal for a person weighing 140 lb or 64 kg is 44-50 grams.

Those building muscle should eat more and the same is true during illness or in times of stress. Stress actually triggers the body to breakdown protein from muscle tissue. And amino acids in protein are required for a proper immune response.

Another cool fact is that eating most of our daily protein in one larger meal helps build muscle faster AND if eaten in the morning, helps regulate our circadian rhythm (the sleep-wake cycle) by spiking cortisol (our wakefulness hormone) when it should be high - rather than later in the day when cortisol is leveling off.

Aaand, eating a large breakfast that includes protein, fat, and complex carbs-like Zephyr’s Breakfast-also helps

us feel fuller longer, which has been shown to lead to weight loss.

On top of all that, this breakfast includes therapeutic ingredients, like high quality protein from black beans and eggs. Eggs are considered a nearly perfect food, eggs contain the second highest quality food protein (behind whey protein which contains all the amino acids). Black beans and polenta are a great source of complex carbohydrates which help nurture a healthy microbiome. Olive oil in the polenta provides polyunsaturated fat and protective antioxidants. Cilantro (coriander leaf) has cholesterol-lowering properties (who knew?). It also aids digestion, and has anti-anxiety and antimicrobial properties, and salsa is packed with vitamin C and allicin, a phytonutrient found in onions and garlic that support a healthy immune response. What I’m trying to say here is that delicious food can be your medicine, so eat up and enjoy!

I suggest making the polenta a day in advance. You will have extra - so have another recipe idea on hand to use the rest - or better yet, have this breakfast 2 days in a row. Leftovers? Yes please.

Zephyr’s Breakfast


  • 1 cup Organic Polenta

  • 4 1/2 cups Water

  • 2 tbsps Extra Virgin Olive Oil (plus more for oiling the pan)

  • 1 can Black Beans (organic)

  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil

  • 4 Egg

  • 1/4 cup Parmesan (optional)

  • 1 cup Salsa or make your own!

  • 1 cup Cilantro (coriander leaf)


  1. Make the polenta - If you are making your own polenta, make it at least 2 hours before needed, to let it firm up. I like to make it the day before and pop it in the fridge. This recipe makes enough to fill a cast iron frying pan or 9x9 inch (22x22 cm) pan. You will have leftover polenta. Alternatively, you can buy premade polenta in logs at some grocery stores.

  2. Have on hand a whisk and wooden spoon, salt, pepper and olive oil, and an oiled pan to pour the polenta in when dit is time. Bring the water to a boil in a heavy bottom pot and whisk in the polenta. Whisk consistently so the polenta does not clump up. You will notice the mixture thickens very quickly. Turn down and simmer low, using the wooden spoon, preferably with a flat edge so that while you are constantly, slowly, stirring, you make contact with the entire surface of the bottom of the pan, ensuring the mixture does not burn. This takes 10-20 minutes, depending on polenta type. Instant or quick polenta cooks faster. When the polenta starts to come away from the side of the cooking pot and it is nice and thick, take off the heat and stir in the salt, pepper and oil. Pour the polenta mixture into the prepared pan, smoothing the mixture so it evenly sits in the pan. Allow to cool, then cover and chill overnight or a few hours in the fridge.

  3. When you are ready to eat, heat the beans in 1 tablespoon of the salsa, mixing a mashing the beans a bit. Simmer on low while you prepare the polenta and eggs

  4. slice the polenta into 8-10 pieces. On medium heat, add coconut oil to a cast iron skillet fry two peices per person. Flip and fry each side until golden

  5. Meanwhile, prepare the eggs as you like them, chop the cilantro and grate the cheese (if using)

  6. To serve, divide the black beans between plates, then the polenta squares, eggs and cheese. Top with cilantro and salsa, enjoy!


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Yours in health,

Camille Hoffman

Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist

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Camille Hoffman

Hello! I’m Camille, a naturopath and nutritionist that helps people feel great and get their lives back by treating the root cause of chronic conditions.

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