“Camille was a dream to work with….Within 2 months I was feeling remarkably better and still do, 6 months later. I recommend her all the time!"
This tick-borne illness has been dubbed “The Great Imitator” because symptoms resemble other conditions like chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS, MS, fibromyalgia and autoimmune disorders. On top of that, many people do not remember getting a tick bite and only about 50% experience the hallmark bullseye rash. This means that for many, chronic Lyme can go undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed for years, only to find out later that Lyme was the cause of their health issue.
UNDERSTANDING MOLD: Are Mycotoxins Making You Sick?
Did you know that mold illness, like Lyme disease, is one of the most frequently overlooked health conditions? This is often because its wide-ranging symptoms can mimic other illnesses, making it difficult to identify. The hallmark symptoms of mold and mycotoxin illness includes chronic sinus issues, increased sensitivities, fatigue and
Viva the Vagus Nerve!
Imagine a nerve named 'vagus' after the Latin word for 'wandering.' True to its name, this nerve embarks on an extraordinary journey, serving as a bi-directional communication pathway between the brain and major body organs. When not functioning properly, vagus nerve disorders can cause anxiety, digestive issues, and a host of other symptoms, from fatigue to
Unlock the power of yellow foods
Did you know that the colors of plant foods reflect the diverse array of phytonutrients they contain? Yep, the pigments that we see as color are actually made up of powerful nutrients that enhance health. And each color holds unique compounds. Yellow foods, for example, contain lutein, rutin and zeaxanthin, whereas red foods have higher amounts of lycopene and your probably already know that carrots contain carotene, and so do papayas, and other orange foods.
So you can see why it’s important to incorporate every color of the rainbow into your diet, so you get all the phytonutrients and ALL the health benefits.